Brain Teaser

Question In the latest elections for the mayor of Brilliant Village,12,343 citizens voted for one of the six candidates, and each


Question Penny launches a toy rocket from ground level. The rocket immediately expends all of its fuel and launches vertically wit


Question The mobile shown is out of balance.   It can be balanced by hanging two more ornaments at the positions marked yello


Question In the Brilliant Islands, visitors can travel around five tourist destinations A,B,C,D,E using the following seven modes


Question This two-player game begins with 10 stones laid out in a row.   The players take turns removing stones from the row.


Question Starting from the same spot at the same time, Usain and Tyson run around a circular track in opposite directions. Usain r


Question Veera and Emmi each live on the same floor of neighboring buildings and their windows are at a height of 6.25 m. Veera ac


Question Every letter shown corresponds to a different digit. What is the sum A + R + E?   12 14 16 18


Question The fractal shown is made up of infinitely many triangles with their bases on the number line between 0 and 1.   Wit


Question One, two, three, four… A waterdrop falls from a skyscraper’s balcony every 0.5 s. The first drop hasn’t


Question The semicircle has the right triangle’s hypotenuse as its diameter. The radius of the quarter-circle equals a leg l


Question The title of Brilliant’s Problem Solver of the Year has been narrowed down to five candidates: Katherine J., Muhamm

1 2 6 7 8 19 20

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