Brain Teaser

Question You can change some of the addition signs to subtraction, multiplication, and division. Which result is impossible to obt


Question To make the result equal zero, you need to change some of the addition signs to subtraction, multiplication, or division.


Question Jade is using a pulley to lift a baby elephant to her room on the second floor (left image). If she improves her pulley a


Question You can arrange the following instructions so that in the end the variables sum up to zero.   (Initially: X contains


Question Sisters Molly and Nia are arguing whose turn it is to do the dishes. Molly suggests shuffling a deck of 20 cards numbered


Question The mobile shown is balanced and all ornaments have positive weights. Which ornament is the heaviest?   A B C D


Question Which method of connecting three identical bulbs will provide us with more light?   A B They’ll produce the sa


Question Number Bunchers puzzles provide two or more boxes into which the numbers provided need to be sorted.   Herbie: “Th


Question A queen bee wants to decorate her honeycomb so that adjacent (sharing the same border) hexagonal cells are different colo


Question The fractal shown is made of a stack of shrinking concentric circles, starting from a yellow circle.   As the circle


Question Ese and Oke are playing a game with two tennis balls — one yellow, one blue — concealed in a bag.   They let the


Question Dark-grey gears have 10, yellow gears have 30, and light-grey gears have 60 teeth. We don’t know how many teeth the

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