Our traditional fee-for-service healthcare system has led to high cost, over-utilization, and poor outcomes. Value Based Care offers the promise of higher quality of care, affordability, and access to care. Yet, despite the merits, broad adoption of Value Based Care remains elusive. In this event, we will hear perspectives from Health Insurers, Large Employers, Health Systems, and Digital Health Providers about the opportunities and challenges of adopting Value Based Care. What will it take to achieve broad adoption and what do solution innovators need to know to thrive in this bimodal environment? Join us for an evening of insights, networking, and lively discussion. Food will be served.   


Event Disclaimer:
Because this event is in person, you acknowledge the below by coming to this event.

I acknowledge and understand that: (i) I am not required to participate in this event; (ii) my participation is voluntary and at my sole risk; and (iii) I am responsible for my own protection against Covid-19, including, without limitation, following all health and safety protocols communicated to me or posted at the event venue.

MIT Alums:

Please make sure you are a current member of our club before registering. If you are unsure please ask clubadmin@mitcnc.org or if you would like to join MIT Club of Northern California, click here.

Event Closed

Date and Time

Tuesday, February 27, 2024
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM PT

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Los Altos Community Center - Grand Oak Room
97 Hillview Ave
Los Altos, CA, 94022

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Primary Contact

Afsana Akhter



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