Are you trying to progress in your career but are encountering obstacles? Are you being passed up for promotion and don’t know why? Perhaps your company does not have a clear progression path and you are left to create your own? Perhaps you are not getting the feedback or guidance to support your growth. There could be many known and unknown obstacles you are facing. In this panel discussion, Afsana Akhter and Shalini Verma will share learnings from their own career journeys as well as from their experiences in leading organizations and supporting the growth of others. They will share actionable strategies that apply across various roles and industries. This panel event will be followed by a series of four small group discussions (online) in the subsequent weeks where individuals can discuss their specific scenarios for personalized brainstorming and advice. Details on the small group discussions will be provided during the event.


Event Disclaimer:
Because this event is in person, you acknowledge the below by coming to this event.

I acknowledge and understand that: (i) I am not required to participate in this event; (ii) my participation is voluntary and at my sole risk; and (iii) I am responsible for my own protection against Covid-19, including, without limitation, following all health and safety protocols communicated to me or posted at the event venue.

MIT Alums:

Please make sure you are a current member of our club before registering. If you are unsure please ask or if you would like to join MIT Club of Northern California, click here.

Event Closed

Date and Time

Thursday, September 14, 2023
5:00 PM - 8:00 PM PT

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Los Altos Community Center - Grand Oak Room
97 Hillview Ave.
Los Altos, CA, 94022

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Primary Contact

Afsana Akhter


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