FinTrack/ESG Happy Hour: What's Next?
Mar 19 - Virtual Event

ESG News and Networking FRIDAY, 3/19 at 4:30 PM

ESG Investing is picking up steam in 2021 with growing investor interest and a supportive administration in the US.

What’re the latest developments in the marketplace as well as the ivory tower? Patricia Kao, the head of Asset Management at Silicon Valley Bank will tell us about ESG in corporate cash portfolios. Yang Ruan, senior data engineer at Truvalue Labs, a FactSet Company, will share some news in the ESG data world, and Jason Escamilla, founder of IMPACTADVISOR, will talk about ESG product innovations.

Sign-up here to suggest a topic you’d like to dig into further or present a slide or two about your own expertise. Come wind down from the week and maybe even get inspired with other ESG and finance professionals.

We’ll dedicate the first 30-min for any prepared slides and introductions. This part will be recorded, but the rest will not be.

And be sure to join the MITCNC “FinTrack” Slack channel, to share resources and ideas in the areas of Fintech, Finance, Real Estate, etc.:  MITCNC FinClub.

Per the CFA Institute:

“ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. Investors are increasingly applying these non-financial factors as part of their analysis process to identify material risks and growth opportunities”



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Event Closed

Date and Time

Friday, March 19, 2021
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM PT

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