The biotechnology market is expected to soar past $950B US by 2027, fueled by the need for solutions to chronic disease, the rapid development of bioengineering tools, and an intense interest in addressing the diseases of aging. Despite this, some are calling this present time a biotechnology winter, with many companies trading for less than cash and widespread reports of slowdown in investment in the sector are affecting companies across the full spectrum of development. We have gathered a stellar panel across multiple perspectives in the industry to discuss what is exciting on the horizon, perspectives on the investment landscape, and what promising technologies are emerging.

Light Refreshments will be served.


  • Elizabeth Ng, CEO, Ocean Biomedical (Nasdaq: OCEA)
  • Eddie Eltoukhy, Pear VC
  • Keith Koo, Host Silicon Valley Insider, GP
  • Michael King, Managing Director and Head of Healthcare Research at EF Hutton



  • Niki Santo, Co-Founder/CEO, Swaza


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Event Closed

Date and Time

Tuesday, May 23, 2023
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM PT

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Perkins Coie
3150 Porter Dr
Palo Alto, CA, 94304

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Primary Contact

Niki Santo


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