Are you prepared to succeed in the post-AI world?
Jun 25 - South Bay

As technology continues to evolve, it is clear that AI and automation will cause dramatic shifts in how people work. The narrative today is "staff augmentation". The reality tomorrow may be "staff replacement".  While we have seen this happen before on shop floors and supply chains, this next revolution is likely to replace workers in the knowledge economy. What, then, are the required skills for thriving in a post-AI world? Join this session with Dr. K. Subramanian, as he shares lessons from the past, their implications for the future, and a playbook for how to build a successful and sustainable career in the modern economy. Specifically, we will discuss:

  • How technology and AI will shift which skill sets are valued in a modern workforce
  • How to enhance technical know-how with a holistic approach to problem solving, called "System Thinking"
  • Creating your playbook for building transformational skills that will be valued today and enhanced by AI in the future


Event is hosted by:

Valley Research Park is a coworking campus in Mountain View with 40 Science and deep tech research companies. Ask about our Summer move in specials. Plug n Play Labs, R&D space, and office space. From $200/m for a desk: up to private 10,000 sf labs and offices.  Infrastructure for Deep Science: 8,000 amps of 3 Phase Power at 480 Volts.  30 Fume hoods, Hepa filters, Clean rooms. Contact: MIT SB '94

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Event Closed

Date and Time

Tuesday, June 25, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM PT

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Valley Research Park
319 N. Bernardo Ave.
Mountain View, CA, 94043

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Primary Contact

Serena Chung


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