Join MIT’s Eric Grimson, Cynthia Breazeal, and Chris Capozzola for a discussion of AI and the opportunities and challenges it presents for educational equity, classroom and workplace innovation, combating misinformation, and technological ethics.

Artificial Intelligence challenges educators and students to rethink how we teach and learn in the classroom and beyond. At this moment of possibility and change, Open Learning leadership is at the forefront imagining how AI will be used in the classroom and how MIT can play a major role in educating teachers and learners alike about living, working, and thriving with this technology. With projects including Day of AI, a suite of programs for K-12 teachers and their students, and efforts to build an authenticated archive of digital materials to safeguard knowledge against deepfakes, MIT shapes the future of AI and education. 


Eric Grimson, Vice President for Open Learning 

An expert in computer vision and its application in medical image analysis who helps craft MIT’s approach to AI in the classroom

Cynthia Breazeal, Dean of Digital Learning

A robotics pioneer and AI researcher who leads work on how new technologies can enhance and democratize teaching and learning 

Chris Capozzola, Senior Associate Dean for Open Learning

A historian and an award-winning educator who leads MIT’s digital learning offerings, including OpenCourseWare and MITx, along with Digital Learning in Residential Education, which supports MIT instructors using technology in their on-campus teaching.


A hotel block has been created: MIT Open Learning Room Block Mar2024, CHM - Mar. 8-11, 2024 – Shashi Hotel Booking Link


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Event Closed

Date and Time

Saturday, March 09, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT

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Computer History Museum
1401 N. Shoreline Blvd.
Mountain View, CA, 94043

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Primary Contact

Tom Smith

Secondary Contact
Steve Nelson


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